Friday 10 March 2017

Today I removed the first wedge from the boot, I found the feel of the boot fine, in fact a bit better as I was lowered a bit, so ten days before the next one comes out.
I have taken a photo of the rest of the wedges still in the boot because they are nothing like I had imagined them. Largest one removed first and then the next and so on, every 10 days.
Sandy called for me again to take me to the studio. We washed the boxes the paints go in and then put all the paints back on the tables ready for customers. I spent some time painting a small urn as a sample for the studio using the Sharpie pen technique. I use two different coloured pens so that I can make sure I go over every line twice.
I then painted it and will wait for the very different result, I hope it turns out as well as the vase did.
I walked to the hairdressers from the studio and had a trim, so very pleased to have it cut and thinned out. There was ages to wait for a bus, and as I wasn't feeling too bad I decided to walk home along Dean Road so that I could call in at Let it Brie. I bought a couple of different smoked cheeses and some stuffed peppers and then made my way home. 
Towards the end of last year the slugs and snails completely gobbled up the lovely primulas that I had in the front garden. The roots obviously survived and some plants have started to come through and will hopefully fully flower and not be eaten again.
My right knee was painful in the night, that feels a little easier, but my right shoulder and upper arm are quite painful tonight. That is the shoulder with the screw in so I think the extra pressure of using the crutches has set that off now!! Hopefully I will stop falling apart before too long......


  1. Wow that is going to look good 😊 sorry to hear your shoulder is giving you hip hopefully you will keep it all on n check and rest up - Nothing better than having your hair done to raise the spirits xxxx

  2. Just a trim this time, will have a bit of colour again next appointment! Does feel a lot better though.I hope you can get a bit of rest this weekend. xxx

  3. Will do my best xxx hope you have a great one and do take it steady xx 😘

  4. The wedges don't look anything like I expected either. Medicine is so technical these days :-) Onward and upward.
    A hairdo and fancy cheese, a perfect day!
    Like the urn. It should turn out as good as the vase did. You don't have many, if any, disasters with your crafting.
    You won't fall apart, you've got too many stitches and bits holding you together!

    1. Cheese and biscuits over the weekend with an apple. Very nice snack! The urns are cute, someone did one for ashes!!Will try not to fall apart just yet!
