Saturday 11 March 2017

I have had a much quieter day today, with knee and shoulder complaining (strangely, not the ankle too much) thought it was time to ease up a little. I did walk down to the post box and local shop but then settled for watching some episodes of The Good Wife for a bit. 
Anya had given me a jigsaw the last time I saw her, she hadn't given it to me as a present because she wasn't sure it was complete. It is lovely sketches of birds but it is surprisingly difficult!
I sorted out the edge pieces and after about an hour I hadn't even got half of the outside done. I have set it up out of the way in the bedroom, so I will see if I can make a bit more progress tomorrow.
Darren hasn't felt too well today but he did take me to the shop this afternoon and after tea and scone we got a wheelchair and he pushed me round. we didn't have a lot to get and we managed very well. On the way out we noticed a car, a Volkswagen Beetle, made into a ladybird. Those of you that know me that I have always dreamt of getting a Ka car and doing much the same, but the Beetle is an ideal shape too. I walked down to where we saw it when we got back, and although I didn't actually cross the road you get the general idea.
I am enjoying Let's Sing and Dance for Comic Relief, great fun that The Chasers joined in and The Wizard of Oz too!


  1. Glad you took it a bit easier after a few busy day. And a quick trip for tea and scone and a ride in a wheelchair got you out :-)
    First thing I thought when I saw the picture of the car was shame it's not a Ka. That was before I read your comment :-)

    1. Yes, I feel better for a restful day.
      The car was cute, really made me think of the idea I have had for a Ka.

  2. I love it, spotted it again yesterday (no pun intended!!) xxx
