Wednesday 8 March 2017

Sandy collected me again this morning on her way to the studio. I was up and ready although I had a weird sensation in the night when I woke up and both of my knees had locked up and were very painful! Took a while for me to get them moving, I think I must have gone into a deep sleep in an awkward position. They have been reasonable today though, so hopefully just a blip. Sandy isn't at all well, she has had a bad chest infection for some time now so I held the fort in the studio for an hour while she got herself to the doctors. One lady came in with her little girl and I got them settled and painting. They have some large bowls, they are labelled as Japanese bowls, but I had been thinking it would be nice to make one into a fruit bowl using the outliners before doing the painting.
I have painted different fruits around the outside, I will take more pictures of it when glazed if they turn out well.
I had made a repair on Sandy's daughters' top last night so I took that along, as Cara, her daughter is going on holiday on Friday and wanted it for the trip. I didn't see her to find out if she was happy with it, but she was going to call in later in the day.
I walked home again, pretty slowly as using the crutches is making my arms ache a bit, but no pain no gain! I have felt quite tired this afternoon so have sat with my feet up and done very little.
Sandy called by after she closed the studio to drop off some very pretty flowers for me from Cara,
My flowers had died so that was a lovely surprise and they are so colourful.


  1. It's really good you're getting back into going into the studio, as I know you enjoy helping out, and obviously painting stuff for yourself. Just take it easy. I like the fruit bowl, it looks chunky which I like. If I had one I'd have to start eating fruit though :-) Look forward to seeing it finished.
    You do very well for flowers since moving up there, as I know Tina often buys them for you too. Keeps your room looking colourful.

  2. I have had more flowers than I have ever had before since I lived here, I do enjoy having them too.
    I have enjoyed the visits to the studio this week, getting back to some sort of normality.

  3. Go Jan but do take it steady on them stairs xxx

  4. Trust me, careful is my middle name when it comes to the stairs!! I hope you have recovered from them by now! xxx

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hahaha me and stairs are not friends my manager has put notice in on our office and said if I am not careful she will ban me from all offices and make me work from home to keep me off them 😂😂😂.
    Any amount that of stairs are worth climbing if you are at the top of them xxx

  7. You are too kind, must be those rose coloured specs! Rest well. xxx
