Sunday 19 March 2017

I had decided to stay in today, caught up with Casualty on catch up and wrapped my boot in the bin liner to have a shower. Darren took my washing down for me so that I could get it into the machine. Then he said he has to take the car to get the tyres checked so we could go to Deans. That was a nice surprise so we went and had tea and cake! We also bought a frog shelter as Blue has realised that they are an exciting new toy, much to our consternation!! This is her inspecting it before we placed it, hopefully away from her paws, under the bonsai tree stand.
The willow tree has not recovered completely, but still has life in it, I just hope the disease it had last year doesn't return.
I did a bit of tidying in my sitting room, as it was becoming very cluttered. Then I spent getting on for a couple of hours on the jigsaw. Still a very long way to go........
This afternoon I helped Tina get the dinner which was nice, we took the stool into the kitchen and it was good to be involved with the preparation. Very nice meal, toad in the hole with mashed potato and carrots. Then Tina and I watched the Big Painting Challenge and were very pleased that abstract girl didn't win!
We all like Vera, so I will go down and watch that with Darren and Tina this evening.
I nearly forgot to mention that the second wedge came out today, so things are moving along okay with the foot. The cough is not going away as quickly as I would like, but don't think it is any worse.


  1. A nice surprise is always good. And if it's tea and a bit of the nice cake they do in Deans, then that's even better! Blue is giving the frog shelter a good once over. I hope it helps protect them a little, but cats will be cats. Not nice though.
    Quite a busy day altogether for you with tidying, puzzling, outings and cooking. Not to forget another stage in the healing process too. The wedges will soon all be gone, and the boot too! It's great to be involved in general life in the house though, and I bet you had a laugh while getting tea ready.
    Enjoy Vera, I'm going to watch it myself.

  2. It has been an unexpectedly different day, but very enjoyable. Vera was very good as usual, I never work them out through the twists and turns!

  3. Wow can't believe 2nd wedge out already well done you you are amazing xxx

  4. Onward and downward I think!! It feels fine so on the right track. Have a good week. xxx

  5. Feeling a little under par today, cough hanging around and now the tongue thing has set it!! xxx
