Tuesday 21 March 2017

This morning I was up and showered quite early so did a bit to the jigsaw before Sandy picking me up just after 9.30 am
One of the spectacular daffodils had opened, I have them in tubs so that they can come with us when we move.
Charlie came out the front with me. This cat has a serious death wish. He stopped in the road as per usual and just sat looking as a car came up the street. Luckily it was a lovely lady driver who almost stopped, may not have been such a happy ending if it had been a boy racer or a taxi driver!!

. I stayed in the studio while she went off to put the car in for it's service. Very cold wind today, it had looked a lovely day until I got outside, rushed back in for my hat!! I carried on with the peacock and finished it before we had a bit of lunch together. I could have gone on, but sometimes you just need to put the brakes on and hope for the best.

They have some unusual cereal bowls in stock, I think they were a discounted item from the supplier. They look like they have a piece of hessian stuck on the outside, so I painted that as if it was material. But went for the Sharpie effect again as I like it.

The walk back from the studio was hard going today, a bitterly cold wind that I was heading into! After I had recovered from that and the stairs I went back to the jigsaw. Darren came up for a while as he had been in the shed and fancied a change. Not finished yet, and as there must be about 100 pieces that are just white, it still isn't going to be a quick fix! 
I am nothing if not a sticker!!.......


  1. That cat really does have a death wish. I'm sure when cricket season starts and the cars are flowing up and down looking for parking spaces, they won't be slowing down for cats! Hopefully it'll learn by then.
    The peacock looks nice. I can never envisage the finished effect until it's actually been fired. The bowl is unusual with the hessian around the outside. Makes for a nice bit of texture on it though. You really must try a coiled pot sometime. How about a coiled pot, with a lid, then you could add the paint effect to the top of it?

  2. I was looking round the studio today and they have some trinket boxes with flat tops, so that is next on the list! Still puzzling.....

  3. Hope you are feeling better - you are certainly keeping yourself busy xxx

  4. ou know me, can't keep a good oldie down!! xxx
