Saturday 25 March 2017

This morning Darren, Tina and I all went along to the Spring sale in the Parish House.Quite a good turn out. I won one of the little micro jigsaws, the ones in a test tube, on the tombola. Will post a picture when it is being done or even finished!Tina was still busy making sure she talked to all the stall holders so I took a slow walk home. Used just one crutch today and that seems to be much better so will stick with that now.
It was a truly lovely, spring like day, so took a walk into the park this afternoon. The daffodils by the trees looked lovely in the sunshine.
I just love this photo, the reflections are so clear, more luck than judgement, but a good one I think.
The swan boat will soon be giving rides round the lake, I really like the swan boat, have only actually been on it once with Isobel.
I walked on to the front as it was a nice day and walking with one crutch is much easier. The sea was lively today.
The beach was really busy, in fact it was busy everywhere, more like summer than late March!
The surfers were out as usual as well.
Walked past the shield of flowers on my way home, that hotel always has a nice display out front.
When I got home I had beautiful flowers waiting for me, lovely colours and hyacinths in there so sweet scented as well. From Anya and I still have the cake for tomorrow, so very lucky, and off to a Chinese restaurant with Darren and Tina this evening.


  1. All in all a nice day then. Some great pics too. I like the trees and shadows, and the reflection is great in the lake on the other one. The shot of the sea with the breaking waves is really good too. The one third, two third ratio is always a winner.
    Chinese meal, flowers, cake.......and it's not even Sunday yet! :-) You have more willpower than me, I'd have had a chunk out the cake by now!

  2. A really nice day, and the walk this afternoon was relatively pain free although I am still taking some tablets!!
