Friday 3 March 2017

Darren set off to work early and kept to his word and fed then let out the two younger cats. I had a pretty lazy early start to the day and watched a couple of episodes of The Good Wife. On season three now and still enjoying it. I could hear Colonel complaining late morning so made my way downstairs, very carefully and fed all three cats. The younger ones then went out again. Charlie is terrified by the crutches so doesn't come and see me as much at the moment! Had some lunch and watched a bit of tv, then went down again and fed the cats, they get through a lot of food. This time I ventured into the back garden to check the bonsai trees, most of them seem to have survived the winter and have buds. The willow tree that Darren and Tina bought me got a really bad disease last year and I wondered how it would be this spring. It has got quite a few buds forming, so will just hope that the winter has killed off the problem.
Tina was home earlier than expected as the weather had been dreadful at Mirfield. We had a drink and then we went shopping! Borrowed a wheelchair from the store and fixed on a wheelchair trolley. We had quite a giggle and people were very considerate. When Tina was buying rolls the baker offered to get her some freshly baked ones and then when we were leaving they opened up a new till so that we went straight through. I think Tina is looking forward to the next time we go shopping while I am on the crutches!! I got out of the house safely and down the steps on the path, so now will be able to get out, probably not able to go far but not quite so restricted. Also will be able to go down and join Darren and Tina now and again, so all looking good. I have started the exercise regime so that the recovery is as quick as possible.


  1. A very good day for you, so much easier when you can get up and down. Just don't go mad at it and end up slipping!
    It's amazing how much more attention customers get if they're in wheelchairs. Really doesn't seem right to me, it should be the same for everyone! I doubt many agree with me though. Humbug!

  2. Don't think you are wrong, but we enjoyed the unexpected attention! It has been a good day.

  3. Mike sounds all heart.
    I'm pleased people gave you the help required, well done you! You are always the first to help others. Humbug does not even come close. Love you xxx

  4. It was funny, making my way to the shop today for my paper far more people smiled than usual!! Been spring like out there today. xxx

  5. You deserve special treatment with or without the chair you are such a wonderful lady ❤️ Nice to get access to the blog making the most of it before google tells me I am an imposter again and locks me out

  6. Nice to have you on here and leaving a comment. xxx
