Monday 27 March 2017

A fairly quiet day today, but Donna and Sandy came round this morning for tea and cake. Sandy has visited once before but not Donna. She hadn't seen some of the ceramics I had painted and was quite surprised I think bu just how many items I have on show. They stayed for quite a while and we had some of the delicious Simnel cake that Anya has ordered for me.
When they were leaving Sandy dropped me off in town as I needed to get a birthday card so that I could get it sent off tomorrow. I got some crafty bits to send to Isobel as well. Sandy will collect me tomorrow morning as we may do some clay work or otherwise I have a one off piece put by to paint.
I  have watched another episode of Morse this afternoon, I have no recollection of them at all, maybe the later ones will rings bells, but so far no bells at all!!
I also finished the little micro jigsaw, they are fiddly as they just push together but don't actually interlock. I have put it straight back into the test tube, will probably take it along when Darren and I have a stall at the boot sale.
Broadchurch later which should be good. Another wedge out tomorrow and only two injections left now, so progressing along nicely.


  1. Maybe a quiet day, by your standards, but a nice one from the sounds of it. Always nice to have visitors, specially if you've got nice cake to go with a cuppa. I'd have kept it hidden for myself and given them biscuits!
    Whatever you end up doing in the studio tomorrow you'll enjoy, and end up with something nice to keep.

  2. Yes, I have really got my enthusiasm back for the studio which is good.
