Saturday 18 March 2017

Slept quite well last night, must have been the increased exercise! This morning I did a bit more of the jigsaw and then Darren came and helped with it for half an hour or so which was nice. Probably mot worth another photo yet, but maybe tomorrow!
I left to catch the bus at ten past twelve to go to the studio. took another picture of the primulas as I think they are beginning to get eaten again!

 I thought the morning party was 10 am until 12 noon, but it was half an hour later so the studio was still closed. I went and got a sandwich for my lunch and bought a little chair which I intend to decorate at the charity shop. No photo yet, but will do a before and after! As I waited outside I noticed the hill in the distance was shrouded in mist.
I did a bit more painting on the peacock for about an hour, I will hopefully spend a day at the studio next week and get it finished.
I also collected my experimental plate, really pleased with the effect in the centre.
An update from yesterday, we decided the first bird to fly was not a kestrel, we think it was a harrier hawk/
Going to a concert by the U3A choir tonight, with Tina, in aid of Wateraid.


  1. That peacock is going to be majestic and I have a feeling I will be begging you to do me one it looks awesome 👏 Enjoy your evening xxx

    1. Thought I had replied, will end up doing it twice. The evening was fine and in aid of a very good cause. A second peacock will need thinking about!! xxx

  2. The peacock is looking very good. A lot of work in that. The plate turned out really well. The centre technique would work well to cover the top of a lidded pot. Something to think about.
    Hope you had a good evening at the concert.

    1. As I said, it was fine, a group of folk that only meet occasionally, sang some good songs. The peacock will be so different when glazed and fired.
