Thursday 23 March 2017

I battled on with the jigsaw yesterday evening, still discovering pieces in the wrong places, but finished it quite late with one piece missing! Found that just before I got into bed, so photo taken and I am pleased I stuck with it as I really like it.
I had said I would scrape and fill the paint pots at the studio this morning so left to catch the bus. It was late again, due to the diversions, and there were a lot of people waiting today. It wasn't quite as cold and windy as it has been so I thought I would take a steady walk there instead. I passed this pretty flower on the way.
I even cut through to have a look at the bay on the way, it was extremely windy on the cliff top.

I spent a couple of hours with Donna at the studio and managed to clean and fill all of the pots. My lid with the scrapings on was in the kiln, but I didn't get to see it. It will be glazed and go in the kiln again tonight along with the base. Darren and Tina called for me there and we went and had lunch and did a bit of shopping. Donna sent me a picture to my phone of the lid of the box but I don't seen to be able to get that from the phone to here! Tina went out again and I did call in, but by then Donna had glazed it ready for the second firing so I still didn't see what it looked like!
A parcel arrived this afternoon, a very unusual gift for Mother's day from Anya. A gorgeous little Simnel cake, I will keep it until Sunday.
I have broken the puzzle up and it is now back in the box, if I take it to the boot sale I will sell it with an insanity warning!!


  1. Well you got there with the puzzle, but I knew you would. I'd have thrown it out the window ages ago!
    Looks quite a nice day in the pics. Really like the one of the flower. Nice colours and the droplets look good too.
    Maybe you could email the pics from your phone rather than sending them by MMS, that might work. If not we'll just have to be patient!
    The cake looks really nice. Good job it wasn't anywhere near me tonight!

  2. Will turn the data on and try that.

  3. Well it worked. It looks really good too.
