Wednesday 22 March 2017

Not a great deal to report today. I have been listening to the Vera Lynn cd and really enjoying it. I particularly like the duet with Alexander Armstrong. This morning, having gone back to the puzzle and with not many really obvious pieces left I thought I would sort them into different shaped pieces. There are four maim variations.
Some fit in several places so I think there are still some mistakes which is hampering progress. I did a couple of household chores and sorted the recycling as it is that bin collection this week.
I caught the bus and went to the studio. Sandy had asked me to cover for an hour, she had offered to collect me and bring me home, but thought I would at least make one journey myself. I sat and painted a trinket box as I wanted to try the dried paint from cleaning the paint pots on a lid to see if it would be as successful as the plate.
The peacock and bowl haven't gone into the kiln tonight but the lid of the box has so I should be about to see how it is looking by the weekend.
My ankle had become really sore, but Tina changed the dressing for me when she got home. a piece of dried blood has come off and was still on the dressing, which has started to curl up and it was irritating the skin underneath. Feels much more comfortable now.
I have been working on the puzzle again and only have about fifty pieces left to put in now, but each on is still a struggle!! May a picture of it completed tomorrow, if it is actually complete.......


  1. That puzzle is a nightmare, and looks even worse when it's laid out like that! Bit like a snowman in a blizzard! At least you had a break from it while you went to the studio. I hope the lid turns out as well as the plate did as I think it will be quite striking.
    Glad to hear the foot is feeling a bit better since Dr Tina sorted it out for you :-)

  2. I was wondering if it will spill over the edge, although that in itself might be effective! Under 30 pieces left, keep finding odd ones in the wrong place, maybe it will be done before bed!

  3. I love your arty ideas so looking forward to the next day blog I'm sure you will have completed the puzzle now

  4. Perseverance was needed, but did get there! xxx

  5. Well done I knew you would not give in even if you had to make a new last piece it would be done 😘
