Sunday 12 March 2017

I was restless in the night and lay thinking about the fact that my back hasn't had a wash in quite a while!! So, today I got a bin liner and tied it round my leg over the boot and had a shower! Managed to get in and out safely, and very carefully. The lining of the boot had got a little damp but nothing to worry about.
Tina came home yesterday with a complete set of Morse dvd's, I did think of watching one today but then thought I would wait until it is easier to get up and down to the television. It is a very long time since I saw the series and I will have definitely forgotten all of the endings!
It was overcast this morning but not raining so I thought I would try and have a walk down to the front. The primula in the front garden is beginning to open, it will be so pretty.

On the way down to the front the crocuses and daffodils were lovely planted on the lawns.

Then a picture of fungus and crocuses.
I think the ship on the roundabout near the sea is one of the Naval battleships, it looks big enough to have a person inside!
I had a cup of tea at the Waves cafe as it took me longer than usual to get down there! There were quite a few people around because although it was overcast it was really quite mild.

I watched some tv as I was quite tired when I got home, but then I decided to have another go at the edge of the jigsaw. I spent over an hour and couldn't get the last few pieces in the right place, even called Darren up to see if he could work it out, between us we are not sure they are correct even now!
It is slightly bigger than it said on the box as well, I hadn't expected it to be hanging over the edges!


  1. Sounds like a pretty pleasant day. A bit of ingenuity, a walk by the sea and the opportunity to take a few pictures. Not so sure about the puzzling though, I think Anya probably added a few bits to keep you on your toes :-)

  2. It was good to walk down to the sea, won't overdo the walking but it will build up. The puzzle is a difficult one, but worth sticking with I think because I love the bird illustrations.
