Sunday 26 March 2017

The sunset yesterday was lovely so will start with that and end with today's which was much more muted.
This morning Darren and I set off before 8 am despite the clocks going forward as we were going to out first boot sale of the year. Darren will be away next weekend and the one after that he will be going to a Science Fiction show. We had our usual breakfast of a sausage bap and cup of tea and had a wander around. I managed about an hour or so and then went back to the car as the ground is quite uneven and I was using just one crutch. We both got some fruit and I got a great pack of postcards for £1 and also this heart shaped wire stand which will be an earring stand even if that wasn't it's original purpose, that was £1 too.
As it is mothering Sunday I suggested we go for a nice coffee, and cake of course, so we went to the Stained Glass Centre. Very quiet as it had only just opened. This great fire screen was priced at £950!
The colours were actually much more vivid, but the sun through the window makes it seem quite dull. It was absolutely gorgeous. The spring flowers around the trees where we parked were lovely too.
This afternoon I have felt quite tired. I had tea with a piece of the cake that Anya has sent me, that was very nice. Had a phone call from Lee which was a nice surprise as Mother's day in America is in May. I did make a start on the micro jigsaw but only ended up doing the border.
Watched the first episode of Morse which had been an early Mothering Sunday present for Darren and Tine, I have the whole series. That reminds me, memory like a sieve, we went out for a fabulous Chinese meal last night which was a real treat.
Will end with that more muted sky.


  1. Quite a full day, and a few bargains too, can't be bad. And all the children remembered Mothering Sunday, you were honoured :-)
    Great sunset pics as usual. Both very good in there own ways.
    Thought you'd have had enough of jigsaws by now!

  2. Was a good day, even feeling weary didn't spoil it. Didn't get very far with the little jigsaw, they are extremely fiddly.

  3. Hope you had a lovely day xxx

  4. I did thank you, hope you did too and were suitably spoilt. xxx
