Sunday 5 March 2017

Today I have been mostly in and watching plenty of The Good Wife. My ankle was aching quite badly during the night and was still pretty sensitive this morning, I think I over did the walking outside a bit yesterday. Darren carried my washing down, put it on and then delivered it back to me so that I could get it drying on an airer. Tina has been busy today, popping in a couple of times but services and meetings all day.
It looked like a really lovely day out, and although it had clouded over a bit this afternoon was still dry so Darren took me for a drive along the seafront. A couple of pictures from the car, we were going quite slowly as there were a lot of people about today.

There were no spaces along the south bay to park up, but we managed to get a space at the Spa end. We had a look in the little shops before we went for a cup of coffee. A couple of pictures from that end before we came home.

On the way back we saw the starlings gathering for the beginning of a murmuration, no pictures and they weren't in full flight yet, but Tina had told me there is one over the south bay. It was lovely to get out for a bit and see the sea, but I have enjoyed my quieter day today and the ankle feels much better, although my other knee is being a bit troublesome!


  1. I think you definitely overdid it a little yesterday, and I've no doubt you'll do it again before long :-) At least you got out again today for a little trip and some sea air. Shame you didn't get to see the murmuration, it's a great thing to watch, and makes a good subject for photos. I've seen a few, but not for a while.
    You're doing well getting Darren trained up. Trips out, doing the washing, cups of tea. Bet it'll soon stop when you're better :-)

  2. It was a nice trip out and Darren has been a star today, he will be glad to be at work tomorrow!!
