Saturday 4 March 2017

Today I have been out on my own a couple of times, not far, as you don't realise what effect the camber on the pavements and the potholes have when you are using crutches and have a rocker boot on one foot! This morning I made it down to the shop at the end of the road to get my paper and a couple of other bits. We have some daffodils almost open in the front garden and lots of bulbs showing. Also the primulas that were completely demolished by the slugs have started to reappear!
The weather looked lovely this afternoon and  I was sitting indoors getting frustrated at the build up of stuff in my sitting room. Getting about is a bit easier now, but actually moving things and putting them away is still a major challenge. So I decided to try and make my way down to the park. I took a puzzle book, my camera of course and the phone in case I needed rescuing! Quite busy there, the good weather had encouraged people to come out for a walk. I always like the effect of sun through the trees.
I sat just inside the park and then went across to the benches where you watch concerts. Liked the patterns the Canada geese were making on the water.
Coming home was a bit of a challenge as it is quite a steep path out of the park and I could feel that straining my ankle. Not dangerously so but enough not to want to walk that way again too soon!  So, by recent standards quite a bit of exercise today, and that includes a couple of times down and up stairs, which is slow and tiring but safe now. 
Have just watched Sing and Dance for Comic Relief and I will watch Casualty in a bit.


  1. Quite an expedition for someone with a gammy foot! You're very lucky to havecsuchba beautiful park so close to you, although I bet it felt like you'd walked miles! Nice to be able to get out for a bit of fresh air though, and to have some outdoor subjects to photograph. Take it easy though and don't overdo it. As for shifting stuff about in your rooms, well you do have a couple of willing helpers there who I'm sure would be happy to follow orders as to where to put stuff :-)

  2. It did seem a fair way, mainly because my speed is slow to stop! But only just over two weeks after the surgery can't expect any more than that. The right knee still isn't happy!
