Tuesday 28 March 2017

I had arranged for Sandy to pick me up this morning to go to the studio. We have toyed with using clay to make things for a while, and today that is what we settled to. It is many years since I have tried coiling with clay, making a start seemed okay, although the clay was very soft and not keeping shape at all.
I started to try and go up with the pot but the base just kept getting bigger as the coils were sinking to the base!! I ended up with quite a thin and rather funky shape. It may well crack, so only time will tell.
That was done by midday and when I left the studio later this afternoon it had held it's shape, so first obstacle mounted, so to speak.  With the little bit of clay I had left over I made a little hedgehog.
A picture of them together on the board where they will be left to dry. They will be biscuit fired when they are dried completely.
I walked to the post office just after midday to send a couple of packages off as I had arranged to meet Darren there at 12.30 pm. The third wedge is out today and I managed the walk pretty well and quite a bit faster than I have been managing. Darren and I had a light lunch and got a bit of shopping then he dropped me back at the studio. I had a cute 'one off' trinket box on one side to paint. so as I want it to be an Easter gift I got on with that this afternoon. I forgot to take a picture of it completely unpainted but remembered when I had just done the fur of the rabbit!
I finished it off and think it will be fun when it is glazed and fired.

It has been quite a dull day today but the sun tried to make it out for sunset, not too successfully though.
Last injection tonight, so that means it is a very good day!!


  1. A busy day crafting for you. The bowl looks ok, as does the hedgehog, they'll look even better when they're painted. Is there no way you can firm the clay up, or is it just the wrong sort of clay for doing that sort of work? Still enjoyable to do though. There's something good about getting your hands dirty doing something like that.
    I know a little girl who will be very pleased with that trinket box :-)

  2. I think the bowl will be fun when it is painted, providing it doesn't all fall apart in the biscuit firing that is! Sandy made a vase before and was really struggling with the clay today. Might try having another piece, making a pile of coils but leaving them for an hour or two before trying to build the item. I certainly hope a certain little girl will be pleased with the trinket box, I am really looking forward to seeing it finished.

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