Friday 31 March 2017

Spent this morning writing some letters then went to catch the bus so that I could meet Tina in town. She had gone in earlier for an eye appointment and then for a haircut. The bus was on time today so I went to the hairdressers and waited for her there. We went to Thornton's for coffee and cake and then went to Debenhams to see what was on offer in the blue cross sale. Tina wanted some more trousers like ones she bought a couple of weeks ago. we found two pair, in the right size, and they were half price! I got a great, small rucksack, perfect when I am getting out and about a bit more, which won't be too far away I hope.
My knee was really painful today so when we went upstairs I sat in a great swinging chair while Tina looked around some more. She found this fab hook for me in the sale, she knows the sort of things I like!
We had a cup of tea and then came home for a couple of hours. I watched another episode of Morse, really enjoying them as if I have never seen them before! A bit later we went out, had tea and then did shopping at Sainsbury's, we had lots of offer tokens and went round finding the things so racked up quite a lot of points today. I got a 'proofing bowl' with it'sown cover, I think I will be making hot cross buns now! We drove down to see the sea after we had finished, it was very calm this evening but getting a bit cooler by then.
Feet up time now as I am feeling tired, but it has been an enjoyable day.


  1. Sounds like a good day apart from a bit of knee trouble. But any day that includes coffee and cake at Thorntons had to be a good day! Love the hook Tina found.
    The little rucksack looks about right for a flask, sarnies and a book. Glad you're already making plans to get out a bit more once the ankle allows you. Roll on the nice weather!
    Never knew there was such a thing as a proofing bowl. I thought that's what a dish and a rea towel were for :-) Don't think I've ever made hot cross buns, but strangely enough I really fancy one now with lots of butter in it!

  2. I have never seen a proofing bowl before, will take a picture tomorrow! The hook is very 'me' I think, may not put it up anywhere until we move.
