Thursday 11 May 2023

Start the day with a bang!

Not the best of starts although you have to see the funny side. I have been sorting and leaving drawers open in my six drawer unit in the bedroom. I am a clutterbug so on top of the unit there were endless earrings, lotions and potions jewellery boxes and other junk. So when the unit tipped as I went to it everything went flying, onto the floor and into the drawers, I was left propping it up with musical boxes playing and wondering what to do, didn’t swear which was good! The crashing and commotion brought Tina running so we were able to get the unit upright. Had to leave the mess as we were going out, but I moved some of the stuff onto the bed.
Tina had a dentist appointment in Hull, I sat in the car with my puzzle book. There is a lovely old building opposite where she parked, in a bad state, such a shame, will probably be demolished.
We grabbed some lunch and then made our way to the mobility shop. Served by a lovely guy who showed me several rollaters. Settled on a blue one, Tina took photos when we got home.
Bel phoned to let me know the kneelers she had sewn for the Lady Chapel were ready. The lady who had made the tapestry into kneelers stopped here and I helped her get them to the church where Tina was waiting. Some photos, Bel designed them herself, she is a very clever lady.

It had stayed dry in Hornsea so I decided to finish mowing the lawn I started yesterday.
Amazingly I filled the garden truck with cuttings again!
We did buy a few plants when we called in at a garden centre, so more to keep me occupied!
I had to take some of the drawers out of the unit so that I could move it to get the stuff that had fallen down the back. Pandora of course got in on the act!
I have almost cleared the bed now but have trays of earrings and other things ready for sorting. The cupboard bell on my bottles that I collect coins in and sadly broke the bottle that I have saved five pence coins in for years, had actually filled it about four times, so that was a bit sad, and it meant I had glass in the debris!
Right, best get cracking on the trays now!


  1. Oh dear, what a calamity! I’m not laughing at all, honest 😂😂😂 Sorry, but it is a bit funny. I think the fact that the music boxes started playing just topped it off nicely! What a bloody mess to have to sort out though. Perfect time for sorting and thinning out. It’s probably done you a favour.
    That theatre is a lovely old building. It really would be a shame if it had to be demolished ☹️
    I think the rollater looks good. It’ll look even better once you’ve painted it pink with daisys and it has a couple of sunflowers attached to it 😂
    Bel really did make a good job of those kneelers. Bet you won’t be kneeling on them with your bad knees!
    The lawn looks really good. Next mowing should be a breeze. It is satisfying using the hand mower, I can remember from years ago. Although my lawn was quite tiny so a lot easier. No bulbs from the garden centre?
    Seems that Pandora is benefiting from your little disaster, so all is not lost.
    So, are you going to find another jar for collecting the coins, or just stop collecting them? 😊
    Hopefully tomorrow will be disaster free!

  2. Quite a day, set off by a very different start! I have been going through the stuff and another bag is growing for the charity shop. I could see the funny side, and although it is now a bit of a chore it will be a good thing in the end.
    Pleased with the rollator, hopefully I will go for a walk using it tomorrow.
    Yes, pleased with the lawn, and as you say, it will be easier next time.
    I have just put the coins into a different container for now, probably will keep saving them.
