Wednesday 3 May 2023

Pretty as a picture!

Will start today with a photo of my shadow (not literally as that would be a bit boring!), I was sitting outside this afternoon waiting to catch Angela and Pandora was sat by the front door.
This morning I prepared tea for later and then went and did some strimming and hoeing in the garden. Also got the lawn rake out now as there were so many twigs over it I am amazed there are any left on the tree!
Anya sent me some photos of a decorated post box that we had passed on a trip out at the weekend.
After lunch I caught the bus up to Freeport for a change of scene. I realised as I got on the bus that I didn’t have my phone, not a problem in itself but it has my bank cards in and I couldn’t take any photos! I had enough cash to get myself a drink while I was there. As I had no phone decided trying to walk back wasn’t a good idea. It probably wouldn’t have been anyway as I walked to the top of the complex and needed a sit down before making my way back to the bus stop!
When I got home all the people were leaving church from a very large funeral congregation. I know Angela had been the only verger so decided to wait in the front garden to have a word with her when she came to collect her car. She was ages and I was beginning to think she may have collapsed in the church as she really isn’t a very well lady. I meant I spent about an hour pulling a forest of weeds though as you can see from the mini mountain!
That enough exercise for one day so having a restful evening!


  1. She definitely is like a shadow 🙂 Hopefully after a couple of days she’ll realise you’re staying, for a while at least, and stop being so clingy. It’s quite nice she want to be with you though.
    I love the postbox with the knitted topper. So much work goes into those. I’m surprised the oiks don’t destroy them just for the hell of it 🤬
    Shame you didn’t have your phone with you at Freeport, but I suppose it did stop you spending money willy nilly 😄 Definitely a good idea catching the bus home. A slip on one of those paths and not being able to call anyone would be very good at all.
    I thought you’d be spending a bit of time in the garden as soon as you got back up north. It’s a never ending task. Just don’t go too mad at it! A restful evening is a very good idea.

  2. The knitted toppers and very well thought out and made, great to see them and as you say good that they are left for people to enjoy.
    Pandora has made herself comfy on a different chair now so that I can move when I want to!
    The weeds are in full throttle in the garden now!
