Wednesday 24 May 2023

More of the same!

I went out early to post some letters, bright and sunny from the start today. The tamarix is just about at its feathery best, it doesn’t last long but it is so pretty.
I have spent a lot of time in the garden again today, I started planting out the sunflower seedlings and also some small foxgloves that have been in pots too long. It was making my leg ache reaching to down so had a few breaks. Sat on a chair near the bird feeders and managed to catch a young starling waiting for a parent to feed it,
I finished hat get before getting lunch.
They hadn’t wilted by this evening so hopefully they will be okay.
After lunch I thought I would tackle the area where I feed the birds. Seriously neglected, and in that mess there are two wooden planters.
Digging involved here and so many roots still in the ground, but it is a start!
When I was working in the walled garden there was a foxglove in a tub which had wilted badly, definitely looked on its last legs. I have been watering it well and so pleased it has perked up as it is a very pretty one.
I had to do some watering this evening as I noticed that the sunflowers I planted in the front bed were wilting, the smaller plants were okay but I watered them all. Think it may be hose time before too long! Hosing both gardens takes me about an hour and a half!
Will finish today with a photo from four years ago, one of my favourite wildlife shots!



  1. Definitely a gardening day today for you! It has been a beautiful day, maybe a bit too hot for gardening. It’s good that you’re enjoying it again these days. Well maybe not all of it 😊
    It took me a minute to spot the bird in the tree.
    Blimey, the two wooden boxes were well camouflaged. I would never have guessed they were under there. It really is a good example of how quickly nature takes over!
    I fear you’re right about it being hose time soon. That’ll be 90 minutes of every day planned at least!
    I remember the final pic. It is a great one.

  2. Seeing Angela in the morning for a while but tomorrow is mow the front lawns again in the afternoon. I have a few more plants to get into the ground too so no rest for the wicked!
