Monday 8 May 2023

Odds and ends

This morning I spent some time getting tools out of the outhouse that is getting more precarious by the day and the rain now pours through the roof. I also had a lot of boxes in there so broke them down to go into the recycling bin. Had a quick trip to the garden centre with Tina as I needed a couple of bit, got three veggie plants as well. Two different courgettes and butternut squash. We didn’t drop for a drink, the three of us went into the parish hall to support a craft fair and had tea and cake there.
Darren and Tina went off to Beverley at lunch time and I went to the shop and bought some flowers for Bel ns took them round. I felt bad I wasn’t doing some volunteering so thought at least I could do something friendly!
When I came home a cut up some strawberries that were past their best and mad a Madeira cake nd added them to it. The top is a bit burnt as it rose and was against the heat grill in the Ninja,
I did try a piece when it cooled, the strawberries hadn’t all sunk and it tastes okay.
No other photos today but I have been sorting through cloths and getting another charity box ready,
The leg is bad today, but am going to try and do some exercises to see if the eases. May be kill or cure but worth a try!


  1. There’s always jobs to do and things to sort out for the garden even when you’re not actually gardening! Veggies to go in too, you are keen. I love courgettes though, home grown specially.
    Think I could have forced a bit of tea and cake to support the craft fair. Talking of which, I think your strawberry Madeira cake looks lovely. I’m pretty sure Darren will voice his approval too. Big dollop of cream with a thick slice would be really nice 😄
    I wouldn’t worry too much about missing out on the volunteering today. I think you’ve probably done enough stuff over the years to make up for it. Nice thought taking Bel flowers though.
    Go easy with the leg exercises. You could do with more cure than kill at the moment!

  2. It seems to have been a full day, maybe a more snappy day tomorrow.
    It has been a damp day today so no chance of gardening,hopefully will get a bit done this week.
