I had a wander through the town, called in a couple of stores and then had a snack in a cafe with plenty of room for me to manoeuvre the wheels!
I caught the bus home, sat with Tina for a while and then went into the front garden. I have been putting it off, apart from the lawns, as it is very weedy and untidy I started along one side and the first mission was to make the tap visible and accessible! It is unstable anyway and covered in ivy, but I need to be able to get to it to save carrying cans through from the back garden. Some strimming and at some point I need to sort the gravel path out!
The covered tap is by the coiled hosepipe, did fill a can from it to water the tubs! I moved along to the next section along the side, you may not believe it but just doing these two sections I had the garden cart rammed full twice!

Visit day tomorrow so may not get out there tomorrow.
Will finish with a slightly strange google photo alteration making the tamarix very bright!
Nice trip out to Beverly is always good, although it would have been a lot better if you’d have found the shop you went looking for. But looking on the bright side it probably saved you spending money 😄 You’re really getting into using the rollater now. Bet you wish you’d have got one sooner. Whatever makes life easier though. Shame you can’t do all the gardening sitting down on it!
ReplyDeleteI can see why you’ve been putting those side beds off for a while. They do look a little overgrown. Tap, what tap? 😊 I fully believe you filled the weed cart twice. They soon add up. You’re getting there though, slowly maybe but progress is progress whatever speed.
Perhaps not getting out there tomorrow isn’t such a bad thing. A day of rest may well be in order.
The front garden is a bit of a nightmare all round, suppose I will have to concentrate on it for a while. A pity, I enjoy doing the back garden as I love sitting out there, well, until noisy pub season kicks in, but the front I do as it is a very public place for the town and passers by.
ReplyDeleteIt was good to have a wander in Beverley for a bit, have rollator, will travel!