Tuesday 2 May 2023

Chores and gardening

I did three loads of washing today, some went outside on the line, that included changing Darren and Tina’s bed clothes when was the first challenge as they have a king size bed and I struggle with the quilt on my double! When I went out to feed the birds I had a look in the greenhouse and the seeds I planted last week have begun to sprout, that was good to see!
I have charged the strimmer three times today and have been trying to trim down some of the tufts areas. Also I tidied up the path leading to the greenhouse as they were very overgrown. Didn’t take a before but thought I would do it myself in case someone else decided they needed trimming!
Darren had been doing some sorting and had emptied a shelving unit. I moved things around in the hall a bit so that it is now an extra shoe rack.
I decided to put the new otter ceramic in the glass picture I made a few years ago. That will protect it from being knocked over, hopefully, as it isn’t terribly stable.
I went to visit Sarah and David for a while this evening and now having a restful evening, Pandora is being very fussy and wa a real pin during the night, hopefully she will let up a bit once I have been back for a couple of days.


  1. You have been a busy bee. I hate changing duvet covers, bloody nightmare on a double let alone a king size! I’d have been sweating and knackered after that.
    It’s nice you’ve actually got stuff growing in the greenhouse now. As long as the ninja squirrels don’t decide to do some digging!
    Strimming the greenhouse path was a really good idea. You definitely don’t want any so called gardeners digging around the edges! Your job looks a lot better than theirs did.
    The new otter looks good in front of the glass picture. I remember you making that.
    I hope Pandora isn’t quite such a pain tonight, but time will tell.

  2. Yes, reasonably busy today, the leg wasn’t too happy when I walked down to see Sarah and David, but it has settled again now.
    The flower seeds were a bit late to go in but hopefully they will get big enough to have some blooms later in the year,
