Saturday 6 May 2023

Long live the king!

It has been a strange day. Darren and I went shopping this morning quite early to get some groceries ns then he dropped me off near Boyes where I managed to get some Union Jack material to use as a table cover later.
Then we sat and watched the Coronation and I really enjoyed it and so pleased it went without a hitch and no unwanted disruption.
This afternoon I went into the church with Tina and we got set up for the civic service aith refreshments after. A lovely service and nearly everybody stayed behind to enjoy refreshments and socialising. The material I bought at Boyes was ideal.
A couple of memories from a while back, I did make quite a lot of masks!
May have a bit more to write tomorrow although the leg has been pretty bad today so hopefully it is a little easier in the morning!


  1. I’m really pleased the coronation went ok, although I didn’t watch it myself. At least those idiot protesters didn’t cause mayhem. We do do a good ceremony in this country 🙂
    Sounds like the service and refreshments went really well too. Good job you’re adept at last minute planning 🙂
    I’ve still got one of those masks, and I remember the final pic very well. I’ve always liked that.

  2. Yes, a really good day for those that turned out in the rain and the thousands of us who watched in comfort!
    Seems funny now that I sat making masks, that was a time we will never forget!
