Tuesday 23 May 2023

Not a lot to report!

I went to the bakers quite early to get something for lunch. Tina hasn’t been well and went back to the doctors yesterday but was sent away without medication. She has been to the hospital today following advice from 111 and has now been given antibiotics for possible pneumonia or legionnaires. Hopefully now she will begin to feel a little better. Back to going to the bakers, this flower has appeared in the front garden, related to gladioli I think, lovely colour.
I wa due to visit Sarah and David this afternoon but cancelled so that I would be around when Tina returned and for her to keep me informed during the day. I hadn’t felt too inclined to get into the garden, even though the more I look round the more depressed I get because of the amount that needs attention!  I tidied round the rest of the walled garden Nd then attacked some giant nettles and endless ground elder near the summer house. Then after lunch I tidied up the grass pTh near the walled garden, I didn’t take a before picture but you really couldn’t see the path and you could get past the tree at the back! Also strimmed the edges of the main lawn and used the edging shears.
After dinner I went out again and quickly turned over the bed I begun at the weekend, trod it down and hoed it. Hopefully will get some sunflower plants out into it tomorrow.
So ended up doing quite a bit despite my lack of inclination!
Had a shower and relaxing now.


  1. I have to say pneumonia or legionnaires sound pretty drastic. But with antibiotics she’ll hopefully shake it off quickly. Get well soon Rev.
    I like the colour of the appearing flower. Dame Edna would’ve been proud of that one.
    The picture of the bed with the grass path makes the garden look lovely. People wouldn’t believe you when you say about how much work it needs. Little do they know how much goes into it. It’s a bit like the serene swan with the feet going fifty to the dozen under the water 😄
    I looks like you’ve managed to get a fair bit done even though you weren’t planning it all. All the Revs fault 😊
    I think you’ve earned a bit of relaxation time.

  2. Yes I really hope Tina starts to improve now, probably won’t see much difference for a couple of days but at lest we know it is now being treated,
    Did manage to get a fair bit done, have tingling hands now due to fighting with stinging nettles!
