Wednesday 10 May 2023

Soldiering on!

This morning I had an an appointment for an X-ray at the cottage hospital. I set off with the walking stick which is just as well as I cannot do many steps before the leg is really painful and seizing up. So like the time before I walked further but on a route where there were plenty of benches. Tina is taking me to a mobility store tomorrow and hopefully I will be able to buy a rollater that I like! Don’t want one that is too fuddy duddy! Some lovely white flowers in the memorial garden, will try and find out what they are.
A very clear day today, took pics of the sea as I passed.
I ordered a rather odd print of a large painting done with the help of school children and raising money for Children in Need. Not sure what I will do with it!
This afternoon I decided to mow the other lawn on in the front garden. Although I cannnot keep walking for long I can do jobs in short bursts. So a lot of rests were involved.
I started at the middle around the yucca, was having a break when I took it.
Had Pandora keeping an eye on me, no surprise there.
A bit further and another break!
I did a bit more and then the rain set in, got pretty wet getting the tools put away!

Still about a third to go, maybe I will get back in time to finish it off tomorrow.
I went to the shop as I fancied fish for my dinner, but haven’t done a great deal more. Did get a couple of bags across to the charity shop.
We are setting off reasonably early tomorrow, Tina has a dental appointment in Hull and then we will go to the mobility shop, so fingers crossed.


  1. Hopefully the X-ray will show something that can easily be rectified 🤞I do think the rollater is a good idea. A bit of support and a seat always there to use will give you a bit more confidence to go out and about. I do understand you not wanting a fuddy duddy one though. No doubt whichever one you get it won’t be long before it’s customised in Jan fashion 😄
    The sea looks really nice in the pics. It’s actually been a nice day here too. We were forecast it for a lot of the day on and off but it didn’t arrive until very late afternoon and didn’t hang around for too long. It’ll probably snow tomorrow!
    The King print is very unusual, but I quite like it. Another frame and a bit of wall to find now.
    The lawn definitely looks so much better after cutting it with the hand mower. Power mowers just don’t compare really. They may be quicker but they tear the grass up rather than trimming it. If you do it in bits like that I doesn’t really matter. There’s no real rush to do it all at once. Next time you go over it it should be a lot easier and quicker. I bet you’ll find time to finish that bit tomorrow when you get home.
    I’m looking forward to seeing the new rollater tomorrow, assuming you find one you like. Good luck with the shopping trip.

  2. We had the rain when I was mowing the lawn but it didn’t last that long.
    I agree, hand mowers do a much better job. It is hard but worth the effort.
    I am very hopeful that I will find a rollater, it will mean I can still get out and about independently, albeit at reduced speed!
