Tuesday 9 February 2021

Snow and unusual special days

Today we woke up to a whiter view and there has been snow on and off during the day. I have only been in the garden, feeding wildlife and putting salt down, but more of that later.
The blackbirds a re waiting when I go out in the morning and today was no exception, I love to see them as when the bigger birds and the starling arrive later the food is soon demolished! Twelve of them in this picture, they soon come down but well socially distanced from me!
You can see a bit of the sky in that one, but a better view in this one.
Today’s celebratory, if you can call one of them that are Read in the Bathtub Day,
And Stop Bullying Day.
I spent a lot of the morning doing household chores, changing the bed, a real workout for me, washing etc. After lunch I thought about clearing the snow on the path leading to the garden but Tina decided she would do it as the only way to stop me was for her to!
I did sprinkle the a salt and that has worked which is good.
This was about as close as Pandora came to exploring!
The snow has kept coming on and off, the footprints in the front were completely gone soon after these pics.

I did make a couple of cards this afternoon.
Will finish with an obscure word today.
Susurrous (adj.):Making whispering sounds; rustling.
Rather like that word!


  1. A very wintery picturesque blog today. You’ve definitely had more than us today. The wildlife must have been glad of you looking after them today. Pandora is thinking “I’m not setting foot in that white stuff!”
    I like the cards you made. Think I’ve sussed out who the first one is for 😊
    I read the obscure word and thought to myself that sounds like the actual word. Then I read your comments under it!
    Glad to see the Rev stopped you clearing the path. Definitely not a job for you. I am surprised she let you put the pic of her in the bath on here though 😊

  2. We did have a fair bit today and it hung around. Will be interesting to see what we wake up to!
    The path was still okay when I went out with the fox food, it had been a bit icy this morning.
    I used stamps inside the cards and that got me thinking how much I like colouring the stamped images, haven’t done any for a while.
    The bath comment made me smile!
