Thursday 4 February 2021

King Frost Day

A UK celebratory day today, albeit and antiquated one. Celebrated in London by the Thames centuries ago when it was much colder and the river froze so that people could walk on it! People could actually walk from one side to the other and it was a fun day with all sort of activities on the ice.
Not so cold here today and subtle bit of sky when I was feeding the birds, no church in the image this time!
Tina wasn’t feeling too well this morning. I am feeling okay after my Covid jab, my shoulder was pretty sore last night but has settled today and no other symptoms so far. So I went to the post office for her as wane needed a package sent off with proof of postage. I walked up to see the sea afterwards, had a short sit down as my non operated leg was really painful today which was a little depressing.

We were all expecting deliveries today but they had arrived soon after lunch. Tina was feeling a little better by then so we had a drive up to Mappleton. We didn’t park by the sea though as the little car park was full so we went and parked near the church. I had made a flask of hot chocolate which we enjoyed with the windows open so that tTian got a bit of fresh air..
I did get a couple more second hand quilting books, not looking for anymore now as I have more than enough ideas for projects! I had ordered a proper case for my expensive colouring pencils and also a newly released colouring book featuring amazing illustrations but all of endangered species. There is a bit about all the animals in the book as the back.

The case has three sections and space for 120 pencils.

A pity that the illustrations are double sided as means I will have to choose if I am colouring one as a present, will also have to be very careful how I remove them. They are not going to be done in five minutes, that’s for sure.
Another good word to finish today.
Pleonasm ( n.): The practice of using more words than needed to convey one’s meaning.


  1. That’s a good day. In a way it’s a shame we don’t get such hard winters. They can be fun and very picturesque, as well as making life hard too.
    Glad to hear the sore shoulder from the jab has settled down quickly. The less body parts that ache the better!
    The sea definitely looks like a proper British seaside scene today. Not so bad when you live there and can visit anytime, but not so good if families drive there for a special day. Not that there’s much of that at the moment.
    That’s a nice church, and it looks a totally different day to the one of the sea pics!
    Like the new pencil case. It’s worth having a decent one as you have some really nice pencils now.
    That’s a frantic book. The illustrations are brilliant. The pencils will definitely be getting some use! I look forward to seeing one of those completed.
    Great word. I was going to add in a few more words to that, but thought it would be childish! 😊
    Hope the Rev is feeling better now.

    1. Yes, a good special day, those were the days!
      The sea did look chilly, quite a few people around today having a walk.
      Pleased with the pencil case and love the book. Although not sure how many I will finish!
      Hopefully Tina will feel better in the morning.
