Thursday 11 February 2021

Exercise is bad for you!

A slightly different day today as Tina had an early message to say the air conditioning unit could be fitted in the garage today. I had been going to go for a ride into Hull with Tina as she had a dental appointment, but I stayed home to be around and make the lads cups of coffee! There was a gate leg table downstairs that I wanted to have in my bedroom for when the new machine arrives, if it ever does! I said I would make them all the coffee they wanted if they would carry it upstairs for me, which they were happy to do.
First picture is of Pandora for a change, she was in the sun this morning and it really showed up her ginger colours.
As I was staying in and downstairs mostly I did quite a bit of walking round the dining room for some exercise that wasn’t too hard on the aching knees!  I did quite a few minutes and it was going well when one of my beautiful bone China bowls leapt off the top of the dresser having been edging slowly towards the front! 😲😢
Enough to put you off exercising!
The two lads worked for several hours and did a great job. Darren is well happy now!

Tina called into Tesco on her way home from Hull and bought me some flowers along with some groceries. Tulips and daffodils, an excuse for me to get out some of my vases, the pottery one I made back in 1986 I think and two that I decorated when I was going to the ceramics studio.

When the lads had finished and the weather was good and Tina was off I made up a flask of hot chocolate and we had a quick trip to our favourite local haunt, Mappleton. A few photos from there.

Today’s special days are Make a Friend Day and Get Out Your Guitar Day!
I did do quite a lot of crossword puzzles this morning, maybe some craft tomorrow.


  1. Bet Darren is really pleased with the new air conditioner. The warmth in this weather will make all the difference in there. You’ll never get him out of there now 😊 It looks a nice unit and well fitted.
    Good thinking asking the chaps to take the table up for you too. How could they refuse a little old lady?😀
    That’s a shame the plate got broken. It’s a lot of pieces so I assume glueing isn’t a possibility.
    Nice you still had time to go for a little ride to Mappleton. Looks quite pleasant there today.
    If you combine both those days you could lose a lot of friends if you don’t play very well 😊

  2. The day turned out okay yesterday apart from the dish, or should I say ex dish incident! Darren in happy to now have a comfortable work room and we even managed a little trip to Mappleton.
    The table fits into the bedroom well so a good space for quilting and the new machine if and when it finally arrives.
