Friday 5 February 2021

First attempt at free motion quilting!

It has been a reasonably varied day today which is good. The special day today is Strawberry Day and that is observed in Japan.
It was a bit damp this morning but every time I go out to feed the wild life I think that I should make a start on tidying the walled garden before everything starts growing at a pace. So did stay out long enough to do one side. I will do the side where the bonsai trees are another day.

Before lunch I got the layers together for the pot holder so that I could have a go at the free motion quilting. Tina was feeling a lot better today and suggested we go to the front and have pensioners fish and chips. We did and it was l overly, freshly cooked and a decent cup of tea too. We had it on the car but I did go out long enough to take a couple of photos, quite murky today.

Tina walked to a local meeting after lunch and sent me this picture of the church yard because there were a lot of crows, we both love the crows!
Then I battled with the sewing machine, attaching the free motion foot is quite a challenge as getting to the screw is difficult. Anyway, not perfect but pretty pleased with this first attempt just doing wavy lines.
Then I cut it to shape and made an edging strip, that was funny because I changed the pressure foot back and couldn’t think why it wasn’t sewing properly, even re-threaded the machine then I realised that I hadn’t re-engaged the feed dogs! The hand fishing of the edge really made my hand hurt which makes me think finishing off a bit project will be a challenge. It is amazing how the artificial light changes the colours, the unfinished one is more accurate!
We are going to watch a double dose of Death in Paradise this evening.


  1. The walled garden certainly looks a lot better after a bit of attention. Hope you didn’t make yourself too achey?
    Fish and chips by the sea. Nothing better, even if you are sitting in the car. Just the view makes them taste better 😊
    The Rev’s picture looks like something straight out of a Hammer film. Just needs Christopher Lee to step out from behind a gravestone!
    I think the quilting looks good. The free motion stuff looks pretty consistent to me. I suppose it’s a bit easier when doing it on something small like that. A full size quilt will be a bit more cumbersome to deal with. Glad it’s not just me who forgets the simple things when doing something like that. At least you worked out why it wasn’t working in the end 😊
    A double dose of DIP will give you chance to get the feet up for a while and relax.

  2. My shoulder has been twinging but it didn’t make it any worse gardening, I think sitting at the sewing machine is aggravating it!
    Th fish and chips was lovely and all the better for being on the spur of the moment.
    Pleased with my first attempt at the free motion, so will have to get something else make to practice some more.
