Wednesday 3 February 2021

Misty morning

Quite a change in the view when I fed the birds this morning, you can just about see the church!
Tina drove me to Driffield where I had my first Covid jab, the Pfizer one. Very well organised at Driffield hospital and the staff were all friendly and helpful. No effects so far but could have some reactions in the next couple of days. Such a lot of water in the fields and sometimes in the roads. Some fields looked more like lakes complete with wildfowl!
I haven’t done a great deal this afternoon, I did put a border round the piece of quilting, tomorrow I will sort out some backing and get it layers ready for the decorative quilting.
A couple more second hand quilting books arrived today, one of them included a bonus of a set of templates, very generous seller.
Lots of good ideas in all these books so can pick and choose what I will try.
Today’s special days are American Painters Day and National Honey Badgers Day.
Will add a very obscure word today too!
Hypercathexis (n.) : An obsessive focus, desire, or attentiveness upon a specific person or thing.


  1. That’s a nice pic of the church. I really like that.
    Glad you’ve got your first jab sorted. You’ll soon be a lot safer than you have been. Plus you got a ride out in the bargain. I think the field lakes will probably get worse before they get better. The outlook isn’t very good at the moment.
    You’re allowed not to do much after having the jab. Make the most of it. I like the little quilting. It’ll look really nice when it’s totally finished, and useful too. Looks like you won’t be short of ideas with all the books you’ve got now.
    Like the sound of National Honey Badger Day. I could go along with that one. Never heard of the weird word. Don’t think there’s much chance of me remembering it either!
    Enjoy the drama tonight.

    1. I liked the shot of the church this morning, held the phone high to avoid the greenhouse.
      Plenty of ideas in the books to keep me busy.
      Good to have had the first jab.
