Tuesday 2 February 2021

Courthouse Steps?

Today I have been cutting and piecing a small piece of quilting, will make it into a pot holder. I thought the pattern was called Log Cabin but the book calls it Courthouse Steps. Either was it is a bit fiddly as they are quite small pieces but I have enjoyed the cutting and assembling. I may put a border on it tomorrow and then it will be ready for putting together with wadding and backing material so that the actual quilting can begin!
I put the pound coin beside it to give an idea of the size. Yesterday evening I a card using the cat picture I had coloured a couple of days ago.will get it sent off tomorrow.
The weather today has been awful, wet, windy and cold, the garden is back to being a quagmire! Apart from the quilting I did get some ironing done this morning and had a short ride out with Tina this afternoon as she had a couple of letters to drop off. We stopped by the sea but didn’t get out of the car!
Snow in America, fun picture from Lee!
A picture of Tina with Pandora, when we sit and watch House of Games she often settles on the back of the settee.
Will finish of with the celebratory days today, three! Groundhog Day, World Wetlands Day, and Best of all, World Play Your Ukulele Day!


  1. That is tiny. From one extreme to the with the size. Bit easier to work on than the large quilt though, in some respects. Should look nice when it’s done, and be useful.
    The cat colouring turned out well as a card. I’m sure they’ll be pleased with that.
    It was rough here this morning, but then it turned into a reasonable day. Reasonable enough that I had the windows open most of it.
    Love the table covered in snow from Lee. That’s a lot of snow!
    I agree with you, Ukulele day is the best of the three.

    1. Trouble at mill again, internet is okay but still can’t post the comments without a battle!
      It is fun to cut small pieces and actually select them, wasteful on a bigger project by not too bad on something small.
      When it snows in America it really snows!
      The recipient of the card is a real cat lover, so she should like it..
