Wednesday 10 February 2021

Plimsoll Day

So it is Plimsoll Day, no not the shoes but in commemoration of ship safety and more importantly Samual Plimsoll, February 10th was birthday. He was the driving force behind England’s Merchant Shipping Act of 1876.
This morning it was cold out but bright so no extra snow but what we had yesterday was still there. Icy in parts in the garden but the path that Tina cleared and I sanded was dry and safe which was great.
I had an opticians appointment at nine and the walk down was quite pleasant and the pavements reasonably clear. It is two years since I had an eye test and amazingly no real change so for the first time I haven’t got the expense of new glasses!
By the time I came out the weather had changed so the walk back wasn’t quite so pleasant!
I got a felting kit for Christmas to make a wren, so have spent a good bit of the day working on that.
First job to bend the wire into the legs!
There was a supply of white base wool to start trying to shape the body, first of a few stabbing incidents doing this!
It isn’t a hobby for the faint hearted. They supplied three needles in the kit, I only broke one! A couple of shots of the finished article.

Putting the fox food out and nice clouds again.

I am persevering with trying to walk up and down the stairs ‘properly’, have to use both rails and it is extremely painful, but I think it is slightly easier today, although I may be imagining it! I will try to keep at it but will see how it goes!


  1. He’s the one that invented the line.
    It’s been a weird weather day today. Several heavy snow showers and several really bright sunny intervals. I’ve not been outside, so either way it didn’t matter.
    Glad you didn’t need new glasses. They are very expensive these days. Do you still have to have the e pensive special frames to stop your skin reacting?
    It’s amazing what you can do with a bit of wire and a bit of fluff 😊 The wren looks really cute. Hope the cats don’t think it’s too real!
    I’m sure you’ll crack the stairs before too long. I do know you won’t give up trying.
    Lovely last pic.

    1. Yes, do still need to get the titanium rims, but luckily not for a while now!
      I think that kit would have been hard to make for someone who hadn’t done any felting before, glad I got it finished and reasonably wren like!
      Done some pedalling this evening, got to keep those knees moving!
