Thursday 25 February 2021

Today is ‘Quiet Day’, but didn’t know until this evening!

Celebratory day today is Quiet Day, should look at the calendar when I get up! Not that I have been noisy, but reasonably busy. I decided to go for a walk, Tina planned to go into the garden and I would usually join her but my arm is really aching today because of too much hoeing and drain rodding! But before I went out I saw a crow rooting around in the rockery, so a good start to the day!
I walked out of the town again, very much away from people, very quiet but the traffic makes up for it! I made a small flask and thought I would try to get a bit further than yesterday. So passed the bench I sat on yesterday and managed to get to the road that leads to Honeysuckle Farm, there is a good bench there and slightly off the main road. I took pictures of trees, and the mere through the trees, quite a few but relatively self explanatory.

When I got home I make drinks and went out to see how Tina was getting on in the garden. She had transplanted quite a few snowdrops to areas behind the large bed and round Charlie’s grave (a cat, not a relative!) I did do a little pruning but nothing too strenuous. 
After lunch we loaded the car up with various items that needed to go to the tip. The outhouse was pretty jammed full and we had a lot of cardboard to take too. After that Tina got on with burning branches in the incinerator and I went and sat in the summer house for a bit with my book. Did manage a couple of wildlife shots and one of Tina when she came in for a rest!
There had been some military aircraft flying over during the afternoon no some very low and very loud, I think Tina was trying to catch sight of them when I took the photo.
Have done a bit of pedalling this evening, trying to keep the activity levels up!


  1. I think they’re on a loser with Quiet Day!
    You have done a fair bit lately with extra emphasis on the arm, so I’m not surprised it’s giving you a bit of grief. I don’t think rodding drains is really a thing for ladies of “advancing years” with gammy bits! 😊 You should stick with tv, chocolates and jigsaw puzzles like the others do. It is nice to get out for a walk though. Have to make the most of the reasonable weather while it’s around. Nice blue skies today up there, which is a perfect background for the tree with the ivy growing in it. Love the one below it too. Think I’d cut the road out of it. You managed to get some great pics today. Some lovely colours in the foliage, which is unusual in this country as they usually just merge into one messy green colour!
    A trip to the tip too. You do live the high life up there 😊
    The pic of the robin from the summerhouse is lovely. Nice focus and the fuzzy background just sets it off. You’ve not lost your touch out there. I think the pic of the Rev is lovely too. A very unposed life shot. Love the way she’s concentrating on something in the garden, but still stroking the cat too. You definitely have a knack for catching the right moment.
    All in all a nice day. Not sure you need the pedalling after all your walking. You should try taking some gin in your flask instead of tea another day. Could liven up your journey 😀

  2. It is quite a pleasant walk out of town and very few people, I saw two pedestrians and two cyclists went by me on the path.
    The tip wasn't very busy so we were soon unloaded.
    I was pleased to see the Robin and get a decent picture of it.
