Sunday 7 February 2021

Mostly sewing!

Today is Wave Back to Your Neighbour Day and also National Periodic Table Day! 
Darren took me up to Pound Stretcher at lunchtime and apart from that and getting dinner I have spent most of the day working on the coaster set. I will post a few pictures as although the set is small there is quite a lot of work involved. First job was cutting eight different strips measuring 2 1/2 by 10 inches.
Then sew these together in two sets of four strips.
Then had to cut these into strips and join one strip from each set to make the coaster tops. Then had to sqncswixh them together with wadding and a backing fabric, also had to cut one larger piece and sandwich that as well for the holder.
They are pinned as once they are turned out they have to be finished by hand. I have the top stitching on the coasters still to do and some quilting patterns on them too, but so far so good.
While we were at Pound Stretcher I bought a pair of ‘biker scarves’ will keep my neck warm in this cold weather and then can pull it up rather than get the mask out!
My right leg h as been pretty painful today so may give the pedalling a miss. Watching Throw Down now.


  1. National Periodic Table Day should be right up your street. You wanted to learn some of it off by heart. How’s that going?
    The pics are like a tutorial tonight. I like the colours and love the little container for them with the tucked corners. I’d be a bit loathe to use them in case I stained them. But I suppose they’ll wash.
    You look like a Hell’s Angel in the scarf. Very good idea though. You’ll have to let me know if the glasses still steam up as much using that instead of a mask.
    Throw Down is good tonight. Some of the busts don’t look like the people they’re supposed to be. Not easy is 6 hours though.

    1. It filled the day making the coaster set, I know it was a bit like a tutorial but hard to convey how much is involved,
      The Periodic Table has taken a back seat!
      I will report back on the success or otherwise of the scarf!

  2. It was nice to see the pics like that. It showed all the different stages nicely. A lot of work for a little item.
