Monday 15 February 2021

Galileo Day

Galileo was born on 15th February 1564. It is also Presidents’ Day, I bet Donald is a happy chappie today.
This morning I opened a pack of the postcards I had made when I had been to Ghana as I decided to use one to put in with a package today. I took a picture of the lion as I am not sure I have any more packs and I was amused at how cute it is. I was painting on walls, in the heat with not very special brushes, but worth it as the children at the orphanage loved having the animals on the walls.
Tina was going out and we were both expecting deliveries so I walked to the post office and straight back. Not quickly but quick by my recent standards and my leg rally ached, but made it and was back just a Tina was leaving.
This afternoon I started on another one of the fabulous illustrations in the colouring book featuring endangered species and their habitats. A Philippine eagle. I looked at some photos of them to give me a rough idea of the colouring. Will add a half way picture with the actual eagle coloured and then the finished version.

It took a bit over two hours but I really enjoyed it. I must admit that they seem a bit daunting before you start! The pencil case is great, rally pleased I bought that.
When I was feeding the foxes, well not literally, putting the food out for them to find later! The sun was going down. Took the second one as I was intrigued by the cross hadn’t noticed it before!

An obscure word tonight I think. Seems appropriate!
Zuffolo (n.): A rather small flute used in the training of birds.


  1. Yes I bet Donald is happy. He might not be for long though as everyone seems to be after him.
    The lion is cute. I remember when you were there doing the painting very well. I wonder if the paintings are still there. You and your exotic jaunts off around the world! 😊
    The eagle turned out really well. Think you should frame it or find some sort of use for it.
    I can’t believe in all the time you’ve been there and all the pics you’ve took of that church from that spot that you’ve never noticed the cross. Maybe they only built it last week 😊
    I thought Zuffolo was Gruffalo’s second cousin.

    1. I enjoyed colouring the eagle, will try and do something with ITT
      It is a long time ago now that I was painting in Ghana, they are probably washed away now as they are exposed to the elements.

  2. Bet the inside of the blind woman’s hut is still bright though 😀
