Friday 12 February 2021

Pain, pain go away!

It has not been a good day today, pain wise that is, I have tried to keep busy and not think about it too much. My right knee, non operated one, has really been making itself felt today! 
It was quite pleasant out first thing when I fed the birds. The wind had dropped and although the bird baths and watering cans were frozen it didn’t feel too bad. The wind has come back with a vengeance during the day and Tina said it was bitter when she went out this afternoon.
Good winter clouds again this morning.
I haven’t been for a proper walk outside this week so made my way down to the sea front. Not a lot of people about and a stormy sort of sky.

I did have a drink and sit down before walking back, the sun was catching the water a bit more then.
I have endeavoured to keep busy this afternoon and not pay too much attention to the knee! I used some fusible interfacing to place some patchwork I did a long time ago onto some fabric to make a table runner. Then I had a play with the stitches and zigzagged them onto the fabric.
After I had cleared away I decided to do a quick sketch. When Tina saw that I had put the tulips in the vase I made she said she could feel a drawing coming on! Also that the case has her name on it, I know how much she likes that particular vase.
Tina realised that I was not feeling too bright today so she cooked tea for us all which was lovely. I will watch Death in Paradise with them later.
For now I will put the ‘Watching’ dvd on as it is easy watching and funny.
Will mention the special days, three today. Bra Day in Japan! Then Lincoln’s Birthday and Chinese New Year.


  1. Sorry you’re having such a bad time with the aches and pains lately. It’s gone on for a very long time now so I can only imagine how it must get you down ☹️
    I’ve not been outside today, but I know it’s been pretty cold as I’ve had the heating on since early morning! Like your first pic tonight, very nice.
    Not sure many people would have ventured out to the sea front with a painful knee, but you’re not one for giving in.
    I like the table runner.
    I can see why the Rev like that vase. It’s a lovely and obviously well made 😊 It was nice of her to cook for you tonight. Doing your own cooking when you feel a bit low isn’t fun. Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight and are painless tomorrow.

    1. Not the best day but uite productive in the end and it takes your mind off the aches and pains a bit!
      Probably won’t venture too far tomorrow as it is forecast to get even colder.
