Sunday 21 February 2021

Beautiful roses

Recently bouquets with roses in have often been a disappointment as the heads keel over really quickly. The lovely yellow, fair trade ones, that 
Tina got me a couple of days ago are stunning and all opening with their heads held high. They are in a position where I can see them when I sit in my rocking chair and they are a delight.
This morning I spent quite a while working in the front garden, the main bed with the sign in. A lot of weeds are appearing but clearing them was difficult as there are so many bulbs popping their noses above ground! Managed not to have too many casualties and of course some weeds still there. It looks tidier for being hoed, although I still have to get to the back of the bed.

Tina suggested going to Morrow Avenue car park and having a bit of a walk along the front. The car park was pretty full and plenty of people about, these photos aren’t as crowded as some of the places, we actually walked back along the roads rather that along the promenade.
I did get the sewing machine out for a while before getting dinner, did as much unpicking as sewing, I was trying to see  cotton that hadn’t worked with the free motion quilting before was at the wrong tension. After several attempts I have now decided that it is definitely the cotton so will thread up a different reel tomorrow, maybe!
Two unlikely commemorative days today. Breakup Day and Card Reading Day!
Will finish with an obscure word today.
Fissile (adj.): Able to be split in twain with little effort; easily cloven.


  1. The roses do look nice. I have to admit roses aren’t my favourite flowers after having to dig a bed of them out and get torn to bits!
    The bed does look much better after a bit of judicious hoeing. Bulbs are the bane of your life 😊
    Blimey, so much for lockdown. It looks pretty busy on the front. I suppose people are making the most of a bit of nice weather, and we all know Covid doesn’t spread in nice weather!
    You made the right decision to give up with the machine. It’ll all work so much better tomorrow.......hopefully.
    Perfect days. If you want to break up with some, send them a card. The word is to do with splitting too, so very appropriate.

    1. At one point it was quite scarily crowded on the front that is when we took the street way back to the car!
      I am hoping these roses will dry naturally so that I can keep at least some of them.
      Maybe more sewing or attempts at least tomorrow!
