Saturday 13 February 2021

Nothing like sewing on World Radio Day!

This morning I fed the birds early as usual and went along to the bakers to get fresh rolls for lunch. Then I decided to get on with some free motion quilting on the table runner I started yesterday. Had a lot of trouble with the tension to start with but eventually got it right. It was surprisingly tiring controlling the needle and pattern and this is quite a small runner!
Then I sorted out a contrasting fabric to cut into strips to make the binding edging, did have a short break as Tina had to go and deliver a few letters so took a picture of the mere whilst sat in the car when she was dropping off one of the letters.
Very cold wind today, Tina drove back via Morrow Avenue car park so I could take a pic of the sea. She stayed in the car as she had already got cold delivering her letters! I literally just took this one....
Before and after dinner I stitched on the binding and then sewed it down. I was trying a new method not requiring hand finishing. It will take some practice but a lot easier on the arthritic hands! I took a close up of the corner as well, I used a zigzag stitch.
Weary now, may give the sewing a miss tomorrow.


  1. The runner looks great. I really like the free motion stitching as it adds another dimension. Well worth the effort I think. The edging also looks great and if it’s easier on the hands then that’s definitely a big bonus. Have you actually got a use for it, or will it end up as a gift?
    Glad you managed to get out for a short ride. Even half an hour somewhere different must feel really nice. Doesn’t look very cold in the beach shot, but looks are deceiving.
    A day off sewing tomorrow sounds a good plan. But I’m sure you’ll find lots of other things to do.

    1. We may use it or it may be a gift, not really decided. I have to sew the ends in but thought I would do that in daylight.
      It was nice to have the ride out, got me away from the sewing machine for a bit too!
