Monday 22 February 2021

Snowdrops and birds

World Thinking Day, plenty to think about today with the new roadmap out of lockdown announced. Bit onto other things. The snowdrops in the back garden are a little late this year, but we do have a good cluster of them. We also have a few in most of the beds in the front and back as I distributed quite a lot when I had mountains of bulbs that had been dug up!
I had a package to send off so went out fairly early today. I did walk up to the sea front for a sit down and drink as I need to have a rest before walking home. The knee is still making me limp a bit, but going to try different pain relief and see if it helps. A bit quieter on this rather grey Monday morning!
This afternoon I took my book, and the camera out to the summerhouse for an hour. Some photos from the garden, a few of the long tailed tits which are a delight to see come visiting.

The big bed is beginning to look pretty in the sunlight, there are a few snowdrops in that bed now and hopefully soon this year the English bluebells will appear.
I am glad I am managing to do a bit of gardening now, maybe this year I can keep it under better control!


  1. I love to see the snowdrops in a big cluster like that. The look lovely.....for bulbs!
    I really hope the new pain relief kicks in and gives you a bit of respite. All things considered it sounds like you’ve managed a fair bit of walking today. The front does look a little different to the other day, and a little less populated.
    It’s nice to see some wildlife pics on here again. Seems she’s since you’ve taken a series of pics from the summerhouse. Looks a totally different day to what it was at the front this morning, so good to make the best of it while you can. Even Pandora looks like she’s enjoying a bit of sun...and the birds!
    The bed is looking good. I think you’ve done well to keep it under control every year up to now. It would have been like a jungle by now otherwise. Hopefully it’ll be a nice summer and you can get out there and relax in it and make use of it.

    1. It was good to sit outside for a while, bit of reading and a bit of bird watching!
      Will try to sit out there more often, it is lovely to be able to enjoy the garden and wildlife.
      Walking and pedalling today, so trying to keep the rebel knees moving!
