Saturday 20 February 2021

Don’t throw the towel in just yet!

This morning when I endeavoured to walk down the stairs I had a new pain in the right knee which made the effort even more painful. I did think then, briefly, that I should throw in the towel, get a mobility scooter and be an invalid! After gong to the shops to get the usual weekend shopping I then decided to go into the front garden and today the bed in the corner where we had all the tree roots ground out. I thought if the leg was going to be painful I would give it something to feel painful for! I had a longer spell, cutting back and hoeing. Couldn’t hoe too well as I have planted lots of bulbs which are starting to come through, I did manage to clear plants away from the magnolia tree which was being swamped and it has quite a few buds this year.
A few people commented on the garden and told me I was doing a good job! Also a little boy said he wanted to have a go so I let him do a bit of hoeing with me! Then he stroked the cat so he was well happy. All good and I can still walk!

I have finished watching the box set of Watching this afternoon, a brilliant series, every episode made me laugh. I also tried one of the bias tape makers, just a short strip to get the idea. This was the biggest and which won’t be any good for quilt edges. But I have looked on line and you can get a bigger one.
Casualty tonight, always so cheerful!
Today is Love Your Pet Day. Didn’t love Pandora too much earlier, I was stroking her back feet, she growled, went for me and drew blood!,


  1. I don’t think you’ll ever give in and get a mobility scooter. Things would have to be very very drastic for you to do that. You’re definitely not a quitter, well not up to now anyway 😊 Hopefully the extra exercise and gardening won’t make the leg worse later on this evening. Your efforts out there today certainly made a difference to that bed.
    I can see exactly how the bias binding machine works now. That’s very clever for a simple little tool like that. A bigger one should be perfect. Anything that saves you having to sew the binding on the quilt by hand is a good thing!
    Obviously cats don’t have a love your owner day!

    1. No, a mobility scooter isn’t really on my radar, it was a passing thought!
      Don’t feel any worse after the gardening, so that is good.
      It is a very clever little tool, the bigger size should be about right for quilt edging.
