Tuesday 16 February 2021

National Do a Grouch a Favour Day!

First of all you need to know a grouch and whether the favour cheers them up is anyone’s guess!
We had some gravy pots to return to the restaurant near the front so I took a walk down there today, at a much more leisurely pace as my right knee is still not playing ball! Went along to the cafe and had my usual hot chocolate and a rest!

Took a picture of some snowdrops in the front garden when I came home.
We have quite a lot not so far advanced in the back garden. My leg was pretty painful so watched a couple of episodes of Watching before lunch.
This afternoon I did some long overdue household cleaning so that was a workout! I have also been working on the jigsaw.
Tina made pancakes for tea which was nice.
I will try and find another stylised picture from Google Photos to finish.


  1. What a silly day. As if you know anyone who could be classed as a grouch!
    Looked nice down the front today. Worth the walk for a few pics and a nice hot chocolate. Not too sure it was so good for your knee though.
    Sounds like you’ve kept pretty busy all day. I’m sure the cleaning could have waited a couple more days and you should have been resting instead. Should have stuck to jigsaws and cake 😊
    Nice to have the pancakes cooked for you. Might have some another day myself.
    Cracking pic to end with.

    1. Yes, managed to keep occupied, that is good, and some of it watching the funny box set.
      There were quite a few people out today as it was considerably warmer.
      The pancakes were tasty, lemon and sugar on them for me!
