Saturday, 30 November 2019

Walk and craft

It was really frosty this morning, had trouble opening the greenhouse door when I went out to feed the birds the morning sky was unite a lovely colour.
I did a bit of shopping first thing and then caught the bus up to Freeport. I bought some masks at The Works and a couple of bit in the Pound 
Stretcher shop. I walked home, slowly, as my knees have really been worse than usual for a couple of days, but I made it as I need to keep mobile if possible. I did go out to Dizzy Birds craft shop, I was going to ask about the reindeer stamp that I saw in an email. They couldn’t help me discover who it was made by, but I did buy a Christmas stamp while I was there and tried it this afternoon.
I painted it a bit later, but first of all I pained one of the masks black, going to try and do a pattern inspired by the African mask I bought last weekend,
I then started painting the stamped pictures, not quite finished but will do that tomorrow and think about making them into cards.
Darren took me down to the front in the car and we had fish and chips in the car, not on a bench in front of the sea, it was a tad chilly,
Strictly now!


  1. Sounds like you managed a fair bit again. It’s a real shame the legs are giving you trouble, but good that you’re still getting out exercising them. They’ll be no stopping you if you get bionic knees!
    Love the new stamp. Thought you weren’t going to make any Christmas cards this year 😊
    I’m looking forward to seeing the mask when you do it. I assume it’ll be a dotty one?

  2. Yes, going to make a dotty mask!
    I thought I would make a few cards but have got some on order, hopefully they will arrive soon!
    I couldn’t get on to vote last night, then it said thanks for voting when I hadn’t!
