Saturday 4 November 2017

Auction girl strikes again!

We had all seen things in the auction that we liked and I was the nominated bidder! Darren dropped me off before it started and went off to park the car. He joined me for a while and went off to look at the item that he was interested in.We had a cuppa together before he went off to get his new glasses in town. I was sitting at an 18th century table, that would have come home with me if no one else had wanted it as I really loved it.
We all got some things and missed out on some. Having been there for about four hours I took a slow walk home. Darren had taken the smaller lots home and left me to carry on bidding. My knee was still really bad this morning after giving me a fair bit of trouble in the night. Tina and I had really liked a Japanese marquetry picture and Japanese pen drawing in one lot. The pen drawing is great as well but needs to be re-framed.
Darren suggested taking some stuff over to Hornsea and having tea there while we were out as Tina is away tonight. Amazing sunset on the way but just a couple of shots whilst in the car.

When we got to the house the alarm was going and we had no idea how to stop it, so we didn't hang around too long! The most expensive thing I bought today were two fantastic hanging baskets and their brackets. Took a picture of them by the new stairs but then had Darren hold them to give an idea of the size. Tina and I can both see them being a feature in the walled garden.

I also got a coal scuttle, photographed here with the companion set that I got at the boot sale a while ago. Couldn't get near the fireplace in my soon to be living room, I had wanted to photograph them there.
We went down to a great fish and chip shop near the front when we had unloaded. Then a drive home in the dark, including a detour, but still home in time for most of Strictly.
Also got a hall stand and a kitchen work unit but they have gone into storage.


  1. You really are the "auction girl" these days. Looks like you got some nice lots. I particularly like the coal scuttle as it’ll look good near the fireplace with the companion set. Your room will be a nice mixture of olde worlde and modern stuff.
    Are there actually brackets to hold those planters up? I can see Darren holding onto the chains but not sure what they hang off. They’re very nice looking though. Poor Darren, being made to pose with props while the alarm bells are going off :-)
    Very pleased to hear they have a good fish and chip shop in Hornsea. What about a good Chinese?

  2. There are two very large, matching black brackets.
    He held them with pretty good humour even though we were being deafened.
    I am sure there may be a Chinese somewhere, I have just tried fish & chop places so far!

  3. Thought there would be some nice brackets. Just need a very well built brick wall to screw them to now :-) I think they’ll look good.
