Saturday 18 November 2017

Fading colours of autumn

As the pain in my ankle and knee have eased a bit I thought I would walk to the park and maybe the glen to see the last of the autumn colours. I wore the new black shoes with the alignment insoles. The glen was lovely as usual and took loads of photos, I will try and keep the posting under control.

I was doing okay, fed a few squirrels and decided to see if I could make my way up to the garden with the pond. So some pics going up, I haven't ventured this was for quite a while.

Made it to the garden.
And even to the cemetery.

Took a lot more coming back down.

Back home Tina helped Darren and I load her car to take some stuff across to Hornsea. Tina was using Darren's car as she had a meeting at Mirfield and was going to bring home a table from there. We had a nice drive over, there was a builder in when we arrived who was preparing the wall behind the shower. The downstairs loo is now presentable, the painters having gone in once I had stripped and Mike had papered.

We had taken four trays of books over and I put them on shelves in Tina's office so we could bring the trays back for more packing.
There was a good sunset but nowhere to stop on the way home, but Darren did pull in for me to capture this unusual pink cloud.
While we were in Hornsea we had a good lunch and then went along to the bakers where they do a cream scone, in a bag for you to take home, for £1.20! They are going to be hard to resist.
Quite excited, got some things from the auction but most excitingly a pair of french style armchairs.
Strictly tonight, best make a cuppa before it starts.


  1. Lots of pics tonight, but no need to apologise, the more the better. Glad the ankle and knee let you get that far. I know it’s been a while since you managed it, and as the pics show, it’s a beautiful place. Nice weather for a walk and picture taking too.
    Looks like you might have bathrooms before you all move in then, assuming the builders do actually come back! The toilet looks so much different now. A nice colour for it too. We definitely did well between us. I look forward to seeing it in person.
    The scone in a bag is great value. I think I’d be having it daily if I lived there.
    It’s all coming together now, so won’t be long before you’re relaxing in one of your new chairs in your new home. Think it’s going to be a good Christmas :-)

  2. It was a lovely relatively comfortable walk which was a bonus. The glen really is beautiful whatever the season.
    Things do seem to be coming together and I am sure it will be a great please love.
    Might have to stop going near the bakers!
