Wednesday 22 November 2017

Silly season arrives!

Tina set off for Hull this morning and I left soon after to catch the bus. Called in to see Donna at the studio for half an hour, I had some bits for Amy and for the charity shop next door. After that I walked into town, called into The Royal to cancel my membership, I have already stopped the direct debit. I walked along Bar Street and was tempted to buy one of the signs on the bike.
I resisted though as I had silly plans for today already. Bought a headband at The Works and then made my way to the Brunswick Centre and that snowglobe!
Did get quite an amused audience, but it had to be done! Then, as it was silly half hour I bought some chocolate brussels!!
Back home I have been moving boxes and clearing the landing so that the guy cam move things more easily. The fern, my most precious plant it in the shower for now out of harms way!
Got a lovely text with a picture of Amy with one of the bits I gave her this evening, that was great to receive as I am feeling rather shattered right now. Darren and Tina's packing and some of my stuff is going from 8 am tomorrow.
I have been meaning to say that years ago I used to love Lou Lou Blue perfume. It went out of production, I could still get it in America for a while. Anyway, a week or so ago I decided to ask at the perfume store in town. The  young lady said they have Lou Lou, it is called Cacharel now, but is in the same bottle and is actually Lou Lou Blue, or very similar, so I am a very happy bunny!


  1. Blimey, you must be growing sensible in your old age if you’re limiting silly things to only one a day! I knew you’d have to do the snow globe, it had your name written all over it. You should have got the 'Welcome to the mad house' sign. It’d be perfect on the front of the vicarage :-)
    Glad you managed to find the Lou Lou. Actually saying it like that is quite appropriate, as you manage that quite easily at times :-)
    Good luck with the moving stuff tomorrow. At least the plants will be safe, just as long as you don’t want to shower in the morning!
    Absolutely love the chocolate sprouts!

  2. It seems such a lot of work and such a lot of stuff, will seem bare if most of it goes tomorrow.
    I did think Lou Lou couldn't be a better named perfume for me!
    Thought you would be amused by the 'sprouts'.
    Thanks for the good wishes, will let you know how it goes.
