Wednesday 29 November 2017

Maybe now it should be hornseajan?

Well, almost a week since I did an entry, much chaos and working out where things will go but now getting settled into the house at Hornsea. I was on my own here up until yesterday but now we are all here and fighting out way through packing boxes!! the van when it arrived seemed small to me, but with that and a trailer the same sort of size out very large amount of  belongings have arrived!
Tina drove me over that first day and I even managed a sky picture en route!
The kitchen had plenty of boxes to sort through that first night.
And Tina and I had to make a path to the mattress and then make a space for it so I had somewhere to sleep!!
I soon got sorting through boxes the next day, found all my squirrels and put them in place round the fire in the sitting room.
On Friday night the lights a were turned on in Hornsea, it is a really big deal, the street is closed and the town turns out in force, the shops all stay open, a really great atmosphere.

Saturday morning was frosty, the house looked pretty impressive on such a lovely day.
As I walked through the town it seems someone got a bit excited the night before - oops!
A nice surprise on Saturday evening as these lovely flowers turned up sent by Anya, such an attractive arrangement.
I wanted to buy a net for mu sitting room window as it is directly opposite shops, but no ready made nets in Hornsea so ended up buying voille and had to set to. Do you think I could find where I had put the cottons and pins? Created chaos when I thought I was winning, opening boxes and getting contents everywhere. But, found then and am pleased with the result.
I also bought some very nice tapestry material to cover the backs of the two bookcases I used to have on the landing in Scarborough. I wanted them on the landing again, but as it is such a lovely staircase and the back will be visible on the way up, I wanted to improve the look of them. One of the main reasons for them being there is to keep the spectacular fern away from unwanted attention from a certain little grey creature!
Darren was over with stuff both days at the weekend, and we got other jobs done like my blind, and some carpet down in the garage which is going to be Darren's new shed.
Another sky picture, can't see sunrises or sunsets from the house, and haven't been venturing out much as yet as there is plenty to keep me busy in the house for a while.
I had cleared most of the kitchen first time and yesterday it was filled up again. So this morning while Tina was finishing packing and cleaning at Scarborough I set to and got stuff into cupboards this end.

Blue has been in the house with me today, had to shut her away when the removal men were here. Charlie had gone walk about but turned up before Tina was heading back today, and he is curled up asleep on my bed as I type.

So lots done, and lots more to do, and the new adventure begins.


  1. Nice to see you back online again, and with so many pics after the short break. You’ll be totally worn out now after the last week. The removal van does look very small for such a big household to move. So no doubt a few more trips than expected, but it’s there now and hopefully everything is intact. You’ve even got a full complement of cats, so it can’t be bad :-)
    The place looks a bit more lived in than when I saw it in person. A bit more work to get it all straightened out, but it’ll happen. The fireplace in your living room looks great. So that’s a really good start. I can imagine it’ll look really cosy in there once you’ve got it all as you want it. The backing on the landing bookshelves worked out really well. Looks so much better than the bare hardboard did. Hopefully the fern will like it’s new position and will grow as well there as it did on your old landing.
    You’ve done so much work sorting boxes to make room for more boxes etc, and you still found time to go to the light switch on! Bet you’re worn out after all the effort thats gone into it. Think you need a few days, or weeks of taking it a bit easier now.
    I look forward to hearing and seeing the results of the exploring I know you’ll be doing around Hornsea in the future :-)
    Take it easy.

  2. It has been a full few days, but already feeling at home. The oven will be connected soon, may even be able to make sponges again, you never know.
    Weather and mood permitting I will try and get outside and check of the bonsais and pot plants tomorrow.
    Onward and upward now, hopefully.

  3. I’d forgotten about the temperamental oven. Hopefully Hornsea is in the 21st century and has full gas pressure! I’ll look forward to seeing the pic of an 8 inch high jam sponge :-)

  4. It is being fitted on Friday I think, then we will be all systems go - maybe.
