Thursday 9 November 2017

Been packing!

It has been a day of bus journeys, packing and getting the room clear for Mike this evening. At lunchtime I went in as I wanted to get my change of address done and go for my haircut, last time with Jodie in Scarborough. So I didn't leave until midday, meaning that a couple more boxes were packed and sealed before I went. Took this picture looking down the road when I was waiting for the bus.
I got the form done quickly and was at the hairdressers on time, Jodie was quite busy today and was helping do peoples nails. So I was left to 'cook' under the drier for much longer and then when my hair was washed had to wait again, so ended up being there for a couple of hours. Like the colour and the cut though. Then I had got the time of the bus home wrong so went off to buy some bubble wrap before I came home. Was in long enough to feed the cats and grab a quick snack before I caught the last bus into town as I was meeting Mike at the station. Had a cup of tea as I had time as didn't get a drink at home. Took a couple of pictures of the changing sky, no clear view, apparently it was a fabulous sunset.

Popped into the Brunswick Centre for a look round, the Christmas lights are up now.
Met Mike at the station and we got a taxi home as Tina was out at meetings today. We had a natter and catch up and have had pizza with Tina and Darren this evening. Tomorrow off to Hornsea to see what needs doing there.


  1. Quite a busy day again for you. I was pooped after a couple of short train journeys which felt like an epic expedition! Not a bad trip though and nice to see you all, and good old Scarborough.
    The skies look good to me, but I’m not spoilt for them like you are. The sunset pic Tina showed us was lovely. It seems you might be in a better position to get some like it when you move. You’ve had such good ones from this house, it seems hard to believe you might get a better outlook from the new place. Jealous, me.......of course :-)
    Won’t comment about the C lights in the Brunswick, apart from saying Humbug!
    Im looking forward to seeing the vicarage tomorrow :-)

  2. It seemed a lot of time spent doing not a lot. although I do think I am getting there.
    I am not sure how much sunrise/sunset can be seen from the vicarage as haven't been there at the right times yet. but over the sea should be good.

  3. Good your pleased with the hair cut and colour. Shame it took so long. Sky photos quite dramatic, hope you still enjoy the Hornsea ones once there.
    Try not to over do hints this weekend, Time will fly now things are really on the move.
    Take Care, enjoy Strictly tomorrow. Xx

  4. I am answering late as we have been in Hornsea today. Mike did the hard work and is doing really well. Things are taking shape although the building work isn't done.
