Sunday 12 November 2017

Pig art, I want one!

It will not be a long entry today. Mike and I had plans to go and sort out the garden tools and maybe a walk to see the sea. When we went for breakfast with Darren it was bitterly cold but at that time at least dry. The rain begun soon after we were back indoors and for the rest of the day it has been rough and we have had sleet, hailstones and stormy rain!
So any thoughts of constructive activity or exercise went out of the window with the rain and we watched the third Meditations at the Monastery, ate chocolates and then watched the first three episodes of Hustle from years ago.
Then we watched the Brazilian Grand Prix with Darren and Tina, seeing Lewis work has way from the back up to fourth place.
This evening we went to Scalby Manor where Mike treated us to our dinner, very nice it was too. We sat at a table that we have had before and opposite the fantastic pig wall art, I have a friend who may just make me one like it!
I told Darren I was going to take a photo of him, you can see from the result what he thought of that!
After a very nice meal, and a cold but dry spell getting to and from the car, we drove along the front to see the sea. The wind had been so strong when we left the house that one of the bins was laying in the flower beds on it's side and another one had blown over the wall and was in next door's garden! The sea was very foamy but not as rough as we had thought it would be.
When we got home the cats were waiting for their supper. Blue has now taken to going to toilet outside and uses the litter tray as a dry bath when she gets in!
I guess a vaguely 'normal' cat would be too much to ask for in this household.
We have watched the Strictly results and agreed with the outcome and are now enjoying Blue Planet.


  1. We were definitely very lucky that out two trips out of the house today were in dry conditions. What an awful weather day it has been. Nice inside indulging in chocolates and telly though. I’ve enjoyed the last day of my trip up here, and it seems to have gone by very quickly. It always does though. Dinner out was nice, and a car ride around the bays to see the sea always rounds it off nicely.
    I’ve downloaded a copy of the pig, just in case I get in a workshop sometime with a few hours to spare :-)

  2. It was good to have a relaxing day, all your help and hard work were much appreciated since you arrived.
    I will make sure I leave a space just in case the pig appears!
