Monday 6 November 2017

Bays and shoes

Tina took me into town on her way to morning prayers, the pool was empty and I had an enjoyable swim and exercise. Did over twenty minutes going round and round today. Walked over the road when I came out and tried to block out the sun to take the bay, it almost worked!
I came home on the bus and fed the cats, Charlie hadn't come in before we went out. I had a list of bits to do in town and was just getting ready to catch the bus when Tina came home, so she kindly took me into town again. I wanted to get some more Stretcher shoes,  I had seen a pair earlier that had the soft padded backs like the ones I am able to wear. I think they will be fine and I bought some corrective insoles to try as well. Tina has ordered me some longer laces as I have to really loosen them to make them comfortable.
I got a half price fleece in The Edinburgh Woollen Mill then made my way down the hill to the market. A jewellery maker there had said he would make a pair of spider earrings for me. When I went there about ten days ago there was the nicest spider necklace I had ever seen, but I really don't wear necklaces so asked if he had any earrings. He hadn't but said he could make some. I called in and he has been busy so not got around to it, but said he still will. I had lunch at the market and bought some fresh vegetables and some meat. I decided to walk home, although my knee and ankle were beginning to hurt by then. Walking up Cross Street I saw these buildings painted in pastel colours, not usually a fan of painted houses but thought these looked quite attractive.
I cut through to the cliff walk about the north bay, as much as I needed a sit down as to see the sea. But the misty effect over the bay was worth making the detour.

This afternoon Tina has heard who has got the removal job and it appears that we will be on the move a little sooner than we thought. All systems go with the packing now!


  1. You’re going to miss your almost private swimming pool when you move. In fact I’m sure there will be a lot of things you’ll miss, but on the other hand you’ll have lots of new things to discover.
    Personalised spider earrings sound perfect for you. I hope he does actually find the time to make you some. As you went back he at least knows you’re really interested, so it might encourage him.
    Some nice pics tonight. The sun behind the trees worked out ok, and I really like the pastel coloured houses. Like you I’m not overly keen on painted houses, specially pink ones, but those three look nice next to each other. The misty bay is nice too.
    That’s a nice surprise that you’ll be moving sooner than you thought. At least it gets it all out of the way so you can then focus on getting ready for Christmas!

  2. I think the guy was pleased that I did go in and ask, so as you say, he knows I am serious so that may encourage him.
    Yes, I will miss some things but there is lots to look forward to.
    Funny how the colour works on those particular houses.
